About Me
I am a research associate and Ph.D. student at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden supervised by Raimund Dachselt. Before that, I studied Computational visualistics at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany). During my study I worked as a student assistant at the former User Interface & Software Engineering group and completed a six months' internship at the Innovis Lab (directed by Sheelagh Carpendale), University of Calgary (Canada).
My main research interest is at the intersection of the fields of Information visualization (InfoVis) and Human-computer interaction (HCI). My research focuses on InfoVis interfaces using multiple coordinated visualization views and the use of modern input modalities, such as multi-touch, tangibles, or spatial movement. In this context, the following aspects are particularly important to me:
- InfoVis with/for mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets; Exploration of diverse application possibilities, roles, and functions
- InfoVis using multiple displays and devices having different display sizes/form factors
- Interactive multi-user tools for information visualization and data analysis
- Spatial arrangement and flexible combination of multiple visualizations